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Tahun 2022 Conserving the Simalungun Language Maintenance through Demographic Community: The Analysis of Taboo Words Across Times Ridwin Purba, Berlin Sibarani, Sri Minda Murni, Amrin Saragih, Herman. World Journal of English Language https://www.sciencegate.app/document/10.5430/wjel.v12n1p40 FRESHMAN EFL LEARNERS’ USE OF ATTITUDE VERBS AND CONSIDERATIONS IN THEIR PROPOSITIONAL ATTITUDE EXPRESSIONS Berlin Sibarani JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND TEACHING http://jllte.stbapia.ac.id/index.php/jurnal/article/view/149 MOTHER TONGUE BASED MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION MODEL IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING Neni Afrida Sari Harahap, Amrin Saragih, Sumarsih Seybold Report https://seyboldreport.org/article_overview?id=MDYyMDIyMTcyMjEyMjQ1MzUw Male and Female Students of English Department of State University of Medan in Compliment Responses and Their Meanings I Wy. Dirgayasa ASIAN SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES RESEARCH JOURNAL https://journal.ucyp.edu.my/index.php/ASHREJ/article/view/96 Maritime English Learning Materials Based on Standard Training Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) Curriculum and Intercultural Competence (IC) World Journal of English Language I Wy. 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