Title: TOEFL ITP® Preparation Course Book
Authors: Isli Iriani Indiah Pane, Sisila Fitriany Damanik, Mahmud Layan Hutasuhut, Johannes Jefria Gultom, and Winda Setiasari
Summary: This TOEFL ITP Preparation Course Book is designed to help prepare teachers and students to sit the TOEFL ITP test. The course book contains materials to develop skills in English within 32 class hours. The book will best suit your needs as it offers a complete guide to the TOEFL test and a variety of practice test materials. It includes information and tips on understanding and familiarizing yourself more with the test, particularly in Indonesian context.
Publisher: FBS Unimed Press
ISBN: 978-623-92504-9-2
Language: English
Available only in printed version. For purchase info, contact UPT Bahasa UNIMED (+6281362636075, email: pusatbahasa@unimed.ac.id
Title: Kumpulan Esai yang Tidak Layak Baca (Antologi)
Authors: Fahri Haswani, Ahmad Nashrullah, Ahmad Sugeng Riyadi, Dzikry JR, dll
Summary: Buku ini merupakan kumpulan esai dari kelas menulis online Iqbal Aji Daryono, seorang kolumnis terkenal dari media detik.co dan mojok.co. Buku ini terbit atas motivasi seluruh peserta untuk mendokumentasikan karya- karya terbaik yang sudah melalui evaluasi dari bang Iqbal Aji Daryono. Dalam buku ini akan ditemukan opini yang mungkin tidak terpikirkan oleh khalayak ramai karena memang para kontributor buku ini memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda, ada ibu rumah tangga, wartawan, perawat, guru, dosen, sastrawan, penulis novel, dll. Walaupun tidak pernah bersua, para penulis buku ini cukup kompak di dunia maya sehingga terbitlah karya buku yang didedikasikan sebagai pelepas kejenuhan dimasa pandemi covid 19.
ISBN: 9 786239 295806
Language: Indonesian
Available in printed version only. For purchase information, contact 081361272440 (WA)
Title: Maritime English Writing: A Genre Based Approach
Author: Dr. I Wy. Dirgayasa, M.Hum.
Summary: Maritime English Writing: A Genre Based Approach is a Maritime English course book for international maritime students who plan to use English for specific purposes either in an academic or workplace setting in which English is taught and used as a foreign and/or a second language and specifically whose English is relatively low. The task-thematic based instruction is used to develop and improve specific academic and occupational writing in Maritime English which is relevant to maritime industry or shipping industry.
Publisher: UNIMED Press
ISBN: 978-602-8848-89-3
Language: English
Pages: 230
Available in printed version only. For purchase information, contact +6282162130408 (WA)
Title: College Academic Writing: A Genre Based Perspective
Author: Dr. I Wy. Dirgeyasa,.M.Hum
Summary: This book is designed for college students who are learning to write based on genre perspective. It provides information about the nature and characteristics of various different types of writing commonly required for academic purposes such as recount, narrative, spoof, explanatory, discussion, critical review, etc. Totally there are fifteen types of texts explored in this book.
Publisher: Prenada Kencana Jakarta, 2016
ISBN: 978-602-422-035-8
Pages: xxiv, 240
Language: English
Available at Gramedia Bookstore, AndaLusia Bookstore, Post Graduate Program Unimed or contact +6282162130408 (WA)
Title : How to Write Academic Paragraph: A Process-based Approach
Author: Dr. I Wy. Dirgeyasa,.M.Hum
Summary: How to Write Academic Paragraph: A Process-based Approach is a comprehensive writing book. This book covers the rhetoric and practice with a large number of exercises and examples of various typical paragraphs and the related supporting linguistic features in order to produce a high quality of academic paragraph. This book is written for primary to intermediate college or college-bound student of English as a foreign or second language. Also, this book is intended for people who wish to learn English for academic, professional, and or business reasons.
Publisher: Simetri Institute Medan, 2017
Pages: xv, 311
ISBN: 978-602-1798-06-5
Language: English
Available at AndaLusia Bookstore, Post Graduate Program Unimed or contact +6282162130408 (WA)
Title: Effective Academic Writing: A breakthrough of writing essay, paraphrasing, and summarizing
Author: Dr. I Wy. Dirgeyasa,.M.Hum
Summary: Effective Academic Writing: A breakthrough of writing essay, paraphrasing, and summarizing is a comprehensive book designed and developed for the students who study English as a Foreign Language (EFL) or English as a Second Language (ESL) or whoever learns about essay writing. It has been written for intermediate to advanced college students. The goal of the book is to provide students with a practical and effective approach to learn and to acquire the rhetoric, concepts, skills, strategies, knowledge which are necessary for succeeding in the content of the book by using process based approach.
Publisher: Pussis Unimed Press, 2018
Pages: Xii, 279
ISBN: 978-025-097-669
Language: English
Available at AndaLusia Bookstore, Post Graduate Program Unimed or contact +6282162130408 (WA)
Title: The Art of Scientific Writing: A comprehensive and Practical Guide
Author: Dr. I Wy. Dirgeyasa,.M.Hum
Summary: The Art of Scientific Writing: a comprehensive and practical guide aims at providing the writer of the scientific writing concise and practical guidelines and instructions for content, technical convention, structure and style of scientific writing with examples. The scientific reports can take the form of a fieldwork report, a literature review, synopsis, thesis, research paper, research, poster presentation, research project proposal, performance report, and other scientific writing of general interest and other relevant parts. Even though, there are many books devoted to writing and to scientific writing in particular that can be accessed by the readers. However, this book is to give readers ideas about what scientific writing is, and a simple plan for how to do it practically and comprehensively. This book is designed in such a systematic way so that students can learn writing gradually.
Publisher: FBS Unimed Press, 2019
ISBN: 978-623-90402-1-1
Pages: Xviii, 224
Language: English
Available at AndaLusia Bookstore, Post Graduate Program Unimed or contact +6282162130408 (WA)
Title: Performansi Tradisi Lisan Bermantra Pengobatan Masyarakat Melayu Langkat
Author: Dr. Muhammad Natsir, M.Hum.
Summary: Buku ini merupakan sebuah hasil penelitian yang berisi tentang tradisi lisan bermantra pengobatan masyarakat Melayu Langkat. Buku ini akan mengenalkan salah satu kearifan lokal masyarakat Melayu Langkat yaitu tradisi lisan bermantra. Tradisi ini menunjukkan bagaimana kearifan orang Melayu dalam menjaga keharmonisan lingkungan mempunyai filosofi yang sangat dalam. Adapun yang menjadi fokus dari penulisan buku ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman, kesadaran, dan upaya pembinaan. Selain itu, juga untuk memahami nilai-nilai kehidupan tradisi lisan sebagai kearifan lokal yang ada untuk seluruh masyarakat Indonesia, secara khusus bagi etnik Melayu, yang terkait dengan warisan tradisi pengobatan tradisional.
Publisher: Bircu Publishing
ISBN: 9786025166297
Language: Indonesian
Available in printed version. For purchase information, contact mnatsir0@gmail.com or +62 812-6099-0104 (WA)
Title: Kearifan Lokal Bermantra Masyarakat Melayu Langkat
Author: Dr. Muhammad Natsir, M.Hum.
Summary: Buku ini bertujuan mempertahankan dan melestarikan kearifan lokal masyarakat Melayu Langkat khususnya tentang tradisi pengobatan tradisional bermantra. Isu ini dianggap penting karena frekwensi pelaksanaan kearifan lokal bermantra saat ini semakin berkurang. Penyebab utamanya ialah pada aspek globalisasi, yakni teknologi pengobatan moderen. Tradisi pengobatan tradisional bermantra tidak mampu mengikuti arus perkembangan teknologi pengobatan moderen yang berkembang pesat di masyarakat.
Publisher: Bircu Publishing
ISBN: 9786239288402
Language: Indonesian
Available in printed version. For purchase information, contact mnatsir0@gmail.com or +62 812-6099-0104 (WA)
Title: Literature Studies
Author: Sri Minda Murni
Summary: This module is designed for students who are interested to learn literature. It is mainly concerned with poetry, prose, and drama. There are a lot of exercises by which students can deepen their knowledge and understanding. Tasks of critical book report, critical journal article review, mini research, idea engineering, and project are also provided.
Publisher: PT Aksara Akademia, 2018
ISBN: 9786025359804
Language: English
Pages: 292
Available in soft copy version only. For purchase information, contact +62 811-6086-132 (WA) or srimindamurni25@gmail.com
Title: Variations and Functional Varieties of Language
Author: Prof. Amrin Saragih, Ph.D
Summary: Languages varies with respect to two main factors, namely the user and use. On one hand, language varies in terms of its users or speakers, this is known as dialect. On the other hand, language also varies in terms of its use, this is known register, diatypic or style. Variations of dialect are caused by geographical, socio-economic, chronological and biological factors. Varieties related of register, diatypic and style are caused by the social contexts of situation, culture and ideology. Variations and varieties are realized by lexicogrammatical and textual aspects.
Publisher: Mahara Publishing (2017)
ISBN: 978-602-6745-21-7
Language: English
Pages: 160
Available in printed version. For purchase info, contact 081263321662 (WA)
Title: Proyeksi: Kajian Pengodean Pengalaman Linguistik ke Pengalaman Linguistik Lain
Author: Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D
Summary:Summary Buku ini menguraikan pengodean linguistik oleh satu sumber dan pengodean kembali pengalaman linguistik itu dalam pengalaman linguistik yang lain. Satu pengalaman linguistik secara teoretis potensial dikodekan lebih dari sekali ke dalam pengalaman linguistik lain. Dengan kata lain, proyeksi dapat berlangsung pada lebih dari satu strata semiotik. Proyeksi terjadi dalam area yang sangat luas, seperti teks pemberitaan surat kabar, sastra, sains dan teknologi, sejarah, agama, hukum atau peradilan, dan seni.
Publisher: Unimed Press
ISBN: 978-6021313-86-2
Language: Bahasa Indonesia
Pages: 202
Available in printed version. For purchase info, contact 081263321662 (WA)
Title: Tema dan Rema: Fungsi Tekstual dalam Wacana
Author: Prof. Amrin Saragih, Ph.D, M.A., DTEFL
Summary:Summary Buku ini memaparkan pengorganisasian klausa dalam membentuk teks berdasarkan teori linguistik fungsional sistemik (LFS). Dua unsur menjadi dasar pengorganisasian teks, yakni Tema dan Rema. Tema adalah usur tidak awal atau permulaan pesan dalam satu klausa dan Rema adalah unsur pesan selanjutnya setelah Tema. Sejumlah pola pengorganisasian klausa untuk membangun teks ditampilkan dalam buku ini. Selanjutnya dengan menggunakan Tema dan Rema sejumlah teks dianalisa, termasuk teks pantun sebagai sastra lisan.
Publisher: Unimed Press
ISBN: 978-979-25-1826-9
Language: Bahasa Indonesia
Pages: 202
Available in printed version. For purchase info, contact 081263321662 (WA)
Title: Bahasa dalam Konteks Sosial
Author: Prof. Amrin Saragih, Ph.D, M.A., DITEFL
Summary: Buku teks ini menguraikan tata bahasa berdasarkan teori linguistik fungsional sistemik (LFS) dengan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa analisis. Pada prinsipnya buku menampilkan teori LFS dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan fokus pada matafungsi bahasa. Buku ini diperuntukkan bagi pemula pembelajar LSF. Setiap unit bahasan diikuti oleh sejumlah latihan yang disusun secara sistematis untuk menguatkan keterampilan mahasiswa dalam mengaplikasi teori LFS dalam penganalisisan teks
Publisher: Unimed Press (2006)
ISBN: 9792518215
Language: Bahasa Indonesia
Pages: 266
Available in printed version. For purchase info, contact 081263321662 (WA)
Title: Semiotik Bahasa: Tanda, Penanda dan Petanda dalam Bahasa
Author: Prof. Amrin Saragih, Ph.D, M.A,
Summary: Semiotik adalah kajian tentang tanda. Semiotik mencakupi area yang luas termasuk kajian bahasa. Buku ini secara teoretis menguraikan ciri dan aspek kajian semiotik. Selanjutnya, kajian semiotik itu diaplikasikan dalam kajian semiotik bahasa. Secara spesifik, kajian semiotik itu merupakan teori yang inheren dalam kajian sistemik fungsional linguistik (SFL). Buku ini membahas kajian bahasa bedasarkan teori SFL pada strata bahasa dan konteks sosial pemakaian bahasa.
Publsher: Unimed Press (2020)
ISBN: 978-602-8541-00-8 (2019)
Language: Bahasa Indonesia
Pages: 290
Available in printed version. For purchase info, contact 081263321662 (WA)
Title: Discourse Analysis: A Study on Discourse Based on Systemic Functional Linguistic Theory
Authors: Prof. Amrin Saragih, Ph.D, M.A,, Dr. Siti Aisah Ginting, M.Pd.
Summary: This course book presents analysis of text with reference to meta-function at the level of lexicogrammar, partly (discourse) semantics and social context particularly ideology. Exercises are systematically provided. The exercises requires analysis with reference to both qualitative and quantitative approaches.
Publisher: Pusdikra Mitra Jaya (2020)
ISBN: 978-623-91289-9-9
Language: English
Pages: 195
Available in printed version. For purchase info, contact 081263321662 (WA)
Title: Introducing Systemic Functional Grammar of English
Authors: Prof. Amrin Saragih, Ph.D, M.A.
Co-authors: Anggraini Thesissi Saragih, S.Pd., M.Hum., Juli Rachmadani Hasibuan, S.S., M.Hum.
Summary: The course book presents lexicogrammatical aspects of English language with respect to theory of systemic functional linguistics (SFL). Firstly, three elements of metafunction are presented, covering ideational, interpersonal and textual functions. Secondly, incongruent or metaphorical representations of the three metafunctions are elaborated. Systematic exercises are provided after the presentation of metafunctions
Publisher: Aksara Akademia (2019)
ISBN: 978-623-92577-0-5
Language: English
Pages: 124
Available in printed version. For purchase info, contact 081263321662 (WA)